APJIS Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


The Journal for Information Professionals

Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), a Scopus and ABDC indexed journal, is a
flagship journal of the information systems (IS) field in the Asia Pacific region.

ISSN 2288-5404 (Print) / ISSN 2288-6818 (Online)

Editor : Seung Hyun Kim

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Date December 2016
Vol. No. Vol. 26 No. 4
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.14329/apjis.2016.26.4.526
Page 526~541
Title Competition between Online Stock Message Boards in Predictive Power: Focused on Multiple Online Stock Message Boards
Author Hyun Mo Kim, Jae Hong Park
Keyword Online Stock Message boards, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Stock Market Forecasting, Predictive Power Competition, Unit Root Test, Vector Auto-Regressive
Abstract This research aims to examine the predictive power of multiple online stock message boards, namely, NAVER Finance and PAXNET, which are the most popular stock message boards in South Korea, in stock market activities. If predictive power exists, we then compare the predictive power of multiple online stock message boards. To accomplish the research purpose, we constructed a panel data set with close price, volatility, Spell out acronyms at first mention.PER, and number of posts in 40 companies in three months, and conducted a panel vector auto-regression analysis. The analysis results showed that the number of posts could predict stock market activities. In NAVER Finance, previous number of posts positively influenced volatility on the day. In PAXNET, previous number of posts positively influenced close price, volatility, and PER on the day. Second, we confirmed a difference in the prediction power for stock market activities between multiple online stock message boards. This research is limited by the fact that it only considered 40 companies and three stock market activities. Nevertheless, we found correlation between online stock message board and stock market activities and provided practical implications. We suggest that investors need to focus on specific online message boards to find interest-ing stock market activities.

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