welcomes proposals for Special Issues that are designed not only to draw
attention to new emerging topics in information systems (IS) but also to encourage
insightful and influential research on topics that fall within the scope of the
Guest Editors who would like to propose a Special Issue are invited to prepare
a proposal and then submit it to the Editor-in-Chief through apjis@kmis.or.kr. Then, the Senior Editorial
team will consider whether the proposal is of interest to the journal. When you
submit a proposal, it needs to include at least the following: the title of the
Special Issue, a brief CV of the proposed Guest Editors, a statement of the
Special Issues significance for IS area, and an outline time schedule.
the proposal is approved, the Guest Editors are expected to actively encourage
submissions based on the Call for Papers. Being invited to submit a manuscript
does not mean that publication is guaranteed. The review process by which
Special Issue manuscripts are handled is nearly identical to that of regular
submissions to APJIS.
Guest Editors make decisions at all stages of the reviewing process, up to the
final acceptance decision, which is made by the Editor-in-Chief. The Guest
Editors are expected to adhere to all APJIS guidelines,
including the Statement of Editorial Policy, Code of Ethics, Instructions for
Contributors, Guidelines for Reviewers and Style Guide. Submissions, which the Guest
Editors find unsuited to the topic of the Special Issue, but still appropriate
for APJIS in general, are transferred to the regular process, if necessary.
sufficient papers have been accepted for publication, the Guest Editors and the
Editor-in-Chief discuss and agree on the contents and order of the Special
Issue. In addition, the Guest Editors are asked to prepare an editorial
introduction and submit it with accepted papers to the Editor-in-Chief. The
maximum length of a Special Issue is one issue of the Journal. However, a
Special Issue may be smaller depending on the number of accepted manuscripts. Guest
Editors are responsible for ensuring successful completion of the Special
you have any question, please contact the Editor-in-Chief through apjis@kmis.or.kr.