APJIS Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


The Journal for Information Professionals

Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), a Scopus and ABDC indexed journal, is a
flagship journal of the information systems (IS) field in the Asia Pacific region.

ISSN 2288-5404 (Print) / ISSN 2288-6818 (Online)

Editor : Seung Hyun Kim

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Special Issues

  • 16. [Closed]CFP Extended: People Analytics in Digital Era2023-01-04 | View 10006
  • 15. [Closed]CFP: Digital Transformation in Artificial Intelligence Era2021-09-06 | View 10100
  • 14. [Closed]CFP: IT Applications and Innovations in the Asia Pacific Region2019-03-27 | View 18024
  • 13. [Closed]CFP: E-BUSINESS AND E-GOVERNMENT2018-08-01 | View 12954
  • 12. [Closed]CFP: SMART SERVICES AND INTERNET OF THINGS2018-07-23 | View 17615
  •   Special Issue of APJIS-SmartServices_IoT_Submission Due Extende.pdf

    Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS)

    Sung-Byung Yang, Kyung Hee University, South Korea, sbyang@khu.ac.kr
    Kyung Young Lee, Dalhousie University, Canada, ky354506@dal.ca
    Sunghun Chung, The University of Queensland, Australia, s.chung@business.uq.edu.au

    Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to ¡°the networked interconnection of everyday objects, which are often equipped with ubiquitous intelligence¡±, is now being implemented to many consumer products or services and applied to many different industries. Things that are previously not much to do with the Internet connectivity are now connected to the Internet and provide ¡®smart services¡¯ to consumers of many industries.

    This special issue on ¡®Smart Services and Internet of Things¡¯ focuses on the topics related to the applications of IoT to consumer products and services, which have become ¡®smarter¡¯ thanks to IoT. There are many applications of IoT that enable smart services. For example, with wearable technologies, wristwatches have become smarter (i.e., smartwatches) and have enhanced consumers¡¯ lives in various ways (e.g., fitness tracking, health monitoring, scheduling, communications support, etc.). Smart speakers (e.g., Google Home and Amazon Echo) have improved consumers¡¯ experience in searching information, managing time, online shopping, etc. Smart home technologies have helped us save energy consumption and have provided more comfort in everyday lives. There are many other applications of IoT and smart services applied in diverse industries, such as healthcare, agribusiness (e.g., IoT connected smart farms, vineyards, and fish-farms), tourism, and transportation, to name a few. Moreover, even many municipal and federal governments are adopting IoT to improve their citizens¡¯ lives better and smarter (e.g., the city of Chicago). Smart services and IoT, however, present both opportunities and threats related to IT security. As more things (e.g., devices, sensors, homes, etc.) are connected to the Internet, more aspects of our lives become embedded in smart services enabled by IoT. Therefore, IT security issues with IoT and smart services would become much more important than those in conventional IT systems, since the security breaches to IoT and smart services might do serious harms to our lives.

    The following questions in general could be asked and explored in this special issue. What are the impact of IoT and smart services on individuals, groups, firms, industries, or countries? What are the challenges and successes in implementing IoT on smart services in various industries? Why are some implementations of IoT and smart services more successful than others? How do people/firms adopt IoT and smart services? What are the challenges and issues related to adopting IoT and smart services? What are the key security issues for IoT and smart services? All conceptual, analytical, technical, and empirical papers are welcome as long as they develop or extend theory and provide implications to practice. We encourage all research methodologies, including simulations, text-mining, sentiment analysis, field experiments/observations, case studies, surveys, etc. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

    • Adoption and diffusion of IoT and smart services
    • Applications and business models of IoT and smart services
    • Business intelligence in IoT and smart services
    • Business models and processes of IoT and smart services
    • Case studies of IoT and smart services
    • Challenges and successes in implementing IoT on smart services
    • Concepts and theories of IoT and smart services
    • Deviant consumer behaviors in smart services
    • Impact of IoT and smart services on individuals, groups, firms, industries, or countries
    • IoT and smart cities
    • IoT and smart factories/smart farms
    • IoT and smart home
    • IoT and smart products
    • IoT and smart services in tourism, healthcare, game, and other industries
    • Policy, governance, and sustainability issues of IoT and smart services
    • Privacy and security issues for IoT and smart services
    • Research methods in IoT and smart services
    • Technologies for design IoT and smart services

    Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), a SCOPUS indexed journal, is the premier journal on information systems research in the Asia Pacific region. The journal seeks to advance knowledge about the effective and efficient utilization of information technology by individuals, groups, organizations, society, and nations for the improvement of economic and social welfare. [http://apjis.or.kr/]

    • All papers should be submitted to the submission system (https://www.manuscriptlink.com/journals/apjis).
    • Submissions should follow standard formatting and style guidelines for the Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (http://apjis.or.kr/common/sub/editorialpolicy03.asp?hoho=1).
    • The author(s) should indicate that the submission is for the special issue (Smart Services and IoT) on the first page of the manuscript.

    • Submission Due: 2019, March 15 (Extended, and no further extension)
    • 1st Round Review Decision: 2019, May 15
    • Revised Submission Due: 2019, July 15
    • 2nd Round Final Review Decision: 2019, August 31
    • Publication: 2019, September 30

  • 9. APJIS Special Issue CFP2018-03-20 | View 2244
  • 8. APJIS: Guidelines for Special Issues2015-05-26 | View 4397
  • 7. [Closed] CFP: Information Systems Research from the Behavioral Economics Perspective2015-03-23 | View 4611

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